Thu 02 Jan
Leaving tomorrow!!!!! Exotic Big Red Juicy thighs to wrap around you 253 334 3384 - 29
(Tri-Cities, WA, kennewick incall)
a sexy companion for all your needs & desires!
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima, hotel room)
AmErIcAn DrEaMgIrL »--» SuPeR sExY »--» Brunette PlAyMaTe ( BaCK 4 U! ) »--» *ReaDY 2 PLeaSe U!!* - 26
(Tri-Cities, WA, kennewick incall/ outcall to surrounding)
ARRIVING TOMORROW won't be here for long DON'T MISS OUT petite young 100% me Best Services - 21
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, incall by airport, Kirkland, Seattle, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA)
❄️💞❄️ Beautiful Blonde Bunny ❄️💞❄️ Independent ❄️💞❄️ Private & Discreet Incall ❄️💞❄️ Real Deal - 27
(Housecalls, Tri-Cities, WA)
°•° BlAcK FrIdAy SpEcIaL °•° SaDiE BaBy °•° IncAll °•° OuTcAll °•° SpEcIaL - 22
(Tri-Cities, WA, TRI-CITIES)
Passing through with a New Duo Partner! In town for One Day. Come Let Us Treat You - 26
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick Incall-Outcall)
• N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. • °o♥o° • TeMpTaTiOn • °o♥o°• $$ SpEcIaLs - 5097699148 - 21
(Tri-Cities, WA, tri cities wa Kennewick)
o♥o° Play• WHEN OTHER GIRLS SAY NO •°o♥o°• I SCREAM YES!!! •Lonely ♥ - 29
(Tri-Cities, WA, Tri-Cities, In call kennewick)
😘💋💋 latE nitE iNvitE !! thE fiNEst iN tOWn✋🌟 SerViCe!!😘💋 oUtCall aVailAblE - 24
(Tri cities and surrounding areas, Tri-Cities, WA)
C💦U💦M 😜 P💦L💦A💦Y 🍫Stunning chocolate Bunny🍫 AVAILABLE NOW!!! ☀️🌙 - 21
(Incalls only!!, Tri-Cities, WA)
( G * o* R* g * E *o*U*s ) ___ ( FLaw*LeSS ) ___ ( B *o* M*b *S*h *E*L *L ) __ - 24
(Kennewick incall / outcall)
★( HaNDL€ w/ CaUT¡ON! ) ★ ( SuP€r » K¡Nk¥! ;) ★ (PR€ttY • HoT • T€mPT¡Ng ) - 22
(Tri-Cities, WA, your place or mine)
: ) 100 early specials and more.... I'm up and ready call me... - 36
(Tri-Cities, WA, kenniwick/pasco/richland and more)
100% Real 100 special its my Birthday today come celebrate with me.... - 29
(Tri-Cities, WA, Richland/pasco/kenniwick)
100$ special♡ 🎀H_I_G_H_L_Y 💋T_A_L_E_N_T_E_D 🎀H_O_N_E_Y _🎀BACK AND ★_ O N 💋 D U T Y _★♥° - 21
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick ((Incall )) & ((outcall)))
💦💦$40 BaNaNa $peCiAL 💦💦 (( CHUBBY CHASERS WELCOME )) 🌴🌴 Exotic BBW Island B🌺A🌺B🌺E 🌴🌴💋 💋 - 27
♥♥All American Beautiful Girl♥♥ All Pics Real And Recent♥♥ Available Now♥♥ - 22
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick (Incall))
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕
(Bellingham, City of Seattle, Everett, everywhere, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima)
Mature, Experienced, Discreet, Attractive Blonde visiting Kennewick - 42
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick)
★ ° 《《NeW GiRlS》》 ★°•.¸《《 In TowN》》 ° ★°•《《LooKinG 2》》 ° ★°•《《GeT DowN》 2 GIRL SPECIAL U CANT MISS! - 24
(Tri-Cities, WA, ★INcall & OUTcalls)
╰☆╮ HERE TONIGHT UP LATE╰☆╮ Miss Nilah Crème ╰☆ AVAILABLE NOW╰☆╮ ® - 28
😻💋🍑💦💃🏽😘😋Last chance. Leaving today! Tiffany Diamond Visits!! Super Busty, Round Booty! 😋😘💃🏽💦🍑💋😻 - 30
(Pasoo/Kennewick/Richland, Tri-Cities, WA)
Last night in town!! YES I TRAVELCurvatious *~*~* Very Special*~*~* Real pics *~*~* - 23
(Tri-Cities, WA, tri cities)
d★ (¯`¸ ☆ • °_N_u_m_B_ e_R_*# ❶_ C__h__O__i__C__ e_★ (¯`¸ ☆ • ° - 23
(Tri-Cities, WA, Tri-city Area)
9/21-9/23 A Special Beauty With Class and Experience! Sensuous, Responsive and Never Rushed! - 35
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick, Pasco, Richland)
all new pixz ! experienced, busty, CURVY, mature and sexy..36dd-23-26 inncall or outcall - 34
❥⇢NEW⇠❥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »-💕playmate💕-» P▒E▒T▒I▒T▒E ❥⇢╠╣0T 100% REAL⇠❥ B▒L▒0▒N▒D▒E ❥⇢NEW⇠❥ - 21
(Tacoma, OUTCALLS EVERYWHERE (Puyallup/Bremerton))
*~* iM BACk *~* BY *~* POPUlAR dEMANd *~* SAdiE BABY *~* iNCAllS/OUtCAllS *~* AVAilablE *~* 509~440 - 22
(Tri-Cities, WA, TRI-CITIES)
❄️💞❄️ Beautiful Blonde Bunny ❄️💞❄️ Independent ❄️💞❄️ Private & Discreet ❄️💞❄️ Real Deal - 27
(Housecalls, Tri-Cities, WA)
CoMe ♚♡♚♡ UnWrAp Me ♚♡♚♡ I'm SuRe YoU WilL LuV WhAt U SEE ♚♡ - 27
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick incall/outcall to surroundings)
Amy Taylor - 36
(Bellingham, City of Seattle, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, worldwide by appointment, Yakima)
Let Me Be Your Dirty Little Secert In call and Out Calls and Skype509 212 3354 - 39
(Tri Cities, Tri-Cities, WA)
Lovely Little Lady Looking for someone to be my Love for the evening - 25
(Tri-Cities, WA, Tri cities)